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  • For Users

    For Users

    If in the course of your activity you use someone else's result of intellectual activity such as:

    • Musical works and phonograms
      Musical works and phonograms
    • Works of fine and decorative arts
      Works of fine and decorative arts
    • Dramatic works and works of choreography
      Dramatic works and works of choreography
    • Audiovisual works
      Audiovisual works

    According to the Law of Georgia "On Copyright and Related Rights", for the legitimate use of objects protected by copyright and related rights in the most cases it is required to obtain a permit (a license) to use the objects concerned as well as to pay a fixed amount of royalties for the use of copyrighted works or protected phonograms. Legal permission to use works protected by copyright can be obtained by signing a direct agreement with the copyright holder or by entering into a licensing contract with an organization that collectively manages property rights of many rightholders – this is exactly the organization that IPOA embodies. Through the contract with IPOA you can also duly fulfill your legal obligation to pay royalties for use of phonograms. So you can feel yourself completely safe when you are acting on the basis and in accordance with contract made with IPOA.

    At the moment, there is a significant and constantly growing repertoire of works and phonograms under IPOA’s management collected on the basis of nearly 500 agreements made with Georgian authors, performers and other rightholders as well as through rights management contracts concluded with major international holders of copyright and related rights.

    Please use IPOA’s contact details to find out more about the benefits available for you through collaboration with IPOA.

    You can get acquainted with our rates of royalties by clicking on one of the links corresponding to your major field of activity:


    Marker 17, Tarkhnishvili str., Tbilisi 0179, Georgia
    Phone (+995 32) 222 08 78